Messages of condolence

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Hojjat Adeli

  I am deeply saddened. Jim was a pioneering researcher in structural
  engineering, a kind-hearted person, and a great human being. Our profession
  will miss his loss greatly.  My deepest condolences to you and other members
  of his family. We need to publish a short story of his life in ASCE News.
  With sorrow,
  Hojjat Adeli
  Abba G. Lichtenstein Professor
  Editor-in-Chief, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
  Editor-in-Chief, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering
  Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Neural Systems

Felix Wong

  I am going to miss Jim, but will always remember him.  Jim  is
  "one-of-a-kind" and I consider myself very lucky to even be associated with
  He should be proud to be the father of you and your sisters.  Unhappy though
  the news may be it is a closure that we all must face. When your mother
  passed away, I wrote Jim: "Birth, Aging, Sickness and Death are natural
  passages we all make", in an effort to comfort him even though there was a
  chance he might take my words the wrong way, because I knew he might not be
  able to bear the loss of Anna. I am sending you these same words now. Grief
  has its role but Jim would love to see you and family carry on.  With
  warmest thoughts,
  - Felix  

Donn Hancher

  I am saddened to hear of your father's passing, he was such a good friend!!
  I hope he will find great peace and meet up with your mother, they were such
  wonderful people.   Barb and I loved them both.

Tami and Hitoshi Furuta

  Dear Tim and family:
  We are very sorry to hear that Dr. Jim Yao has passed away.  Jim is one of
  pioneers and leaders in the field of structural reliability and control and
  fuzzy logic in civil engineering.
  We spent seven months at Purdue with Jim.  Hitoshi begins his true life as a
  researcher since the stay.  Jim has taught lots of things for us.  We
  remember that we visited twice Texas and had wonderful time with Jim,
  We hosted the 10th ICOSSAR at Osaka last September, unfortunately Jim was
  not able to come Japan again.
  We would like to thank JIm  for his guidance and friendship.
  Tami and Hitoshi Furuta

Jose Roesset

  Dear Tim:
  I am very sorry to hear the news. It is a terrible loss for his family and
  all those of us who loved and admired him. On the other hand I think that
  his death was a blessing for him given his condition. I will keep in my
  prayers together with your mother.
  My best wishes and warm regards to all of you.

Lee Lowery

  I am very sorry to hear this.  Jim led a full and rewarding life, and we all
  missed him as a mentor when he left A&M.  We will miss him all the more now.
  Lee L. Lowery, Jr., PhD, P.E.            <><

Larry and Dottie Soong

  Dear Tim:
  We were so sorry to hear the passing of your father.  Your parents and we
  had been close friends for over 40 years, and had been in close touch until
  your father retired. We were close not just as friends but also as
  colleagues working in closely related fields. We have fond memories of them
  spending a month at Buffalo with us, and of attending your father's
  retirement symposium, where we also had the chance to see you and your
  family again.
  Your father was good hearted, generous, truly a scholar and gentleman. It is
  comforting to know that he spent his last few happy years with you and your
  dear family. We are sorry that we will not be able to attend his funeral. We
  extend our deep sympathy to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers
  are with you. Fondly, Dottie and Larry Soong.

Harry Jones

  Tim and family:
  Your dad was such a kind man.  While leading Civil Engineering at A&M, he treated
  all with equal courtesy and respect - it was his nature.  He somehow seemed to always
  see the best in everyone even when there was plenty of reason to see otherwise. I 
  remember foundly his years with us and join his many friends and colleagues in the 
  sorrow of his passing.
  Harry Jones
  Civil Engineering
  Texas A&M

David and Karen Blockley

  Dear Tim
  Colin Brown has just emailed me that your Dad has died.
  We send our deepest condolences to you and your family.
  We haven't seen Jim for a number of years though we did visit each other
  when he was at Purdue and he came to Bristol UK where I live on a couple of
  occasions.  We used to meet up regularly at international conferences.
  I remember your Dad as a very friendly and kind man who always had time for
  everyone.  He was encouraging of me and my work in a way I will always
  value and remember.  I know these words are only a small comfort at times
  of loss but I did want you to know how much he was valued by someone so far
  away in the UK.
  With very warm wishes
  David & Karen Blockley
  University of Bristol

Shipei Zhang

  I am really sorry to hear the bad news. My condolences.
  I still remember Uncle Jim shipping an overcoat to me when I first
  arrived in New York many years ago, worrying about the cold weather's
  impact on me.
  I will let my father know as well.
  Please say hello to Shana and rest of the family.